Month: December 2009


    ALASKA (Samoyed).—Laurie Deese, Cairo, GA

  • This was my year....

    I am writing this from Edmonton on a snowy December evening post Christmas, just in from a walk with the dogs in Mill Creek, a hunkering down time as…December temperatures have plunged to minus 30, but also given sunny, snow filled warmer days such as walking in snowy fields near Winterburn on Boxing Day
    Nanuq kept catching the  ball which was the end of the other husky's leash! Now where did that ball go?

    Hope this finds you well in this holiday season as we have celebrated the birth of the Christ Child and contemplate the coming year and new decade with both its joys and, no doubt, challenges -

     I am so blessed to have such great friends and family, I love you! Have a great new year!

  • Christmases Past….Roots and Traditions

    Spent some time perusing family photo albums in recent days and reminded how Often at this time of year we may become nostalgic, and reminisces with some “remember whens” and “ what ifs” on the “good old days”. These stories shared may be through rose colored glasses, because the “good old days” may not been as happy or stress free as we would like them to be BUT still there is value in considering Roots and Traditions.


    When working with engaged couples, often ask them to recount what they have learned from their upbringing, what do they appreciate about the families that raised them, what tradition or values do they bring in to the new relationship, which ones are let go and what, if any, different choices are being made?


    Even childhoods in difficult or dysfunctional families, there have been learnings.. Perhaps to be independent or hardworking or a close relationship with a grandmother or older sister who acted in the mother role or empathy now to other children in the same situation or in choice of our careers?


    In fairly stable, loving families how recently have you told those around you what you appreciate about them or time or lessons shared with you?


    Looking in the rear view mirror before charging forward always has some value and year-end is a good time to include that in our personal reviews.


    So here are some of my own….


    From my mother’s album that she put together for me and each of my siblings .At exactly 6 months.. first Christmas. Note the wooden convertible high chair  the Christmas tree held much fascination and so did the new teddy bear

    After the bath and ready for bed.. ..I still may have that wicker rocker.

    Our parents were both university students, building a house in west end of Edmonton, so we lived upstairs from my grandparent’s house when Don and I were preschoolers. Probably spring and at age 4  I was told to watch my toddler brother but hid here on him behind the tree. Christmas in the 50’s with my great grandmother holding my younger baby sister and toddler brother. Fond memories of her, a small lady just under 5 feet and would take her hair out of her bun and let me brush on her back...I was amazed! Originally it was bright red.



  • The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not over come it.....


    Yea Lord we greet thee born this happy morning!

  • And so this is Christmas....

    To all my friends and family and canine buddies, a blessed and fun holiday season from Bonnie, Nanuq and Dysis.

    Dysis loves sitting on back porch in fresh snow.

    Nanuq, a little more active her, is killing the squeeky Christmas ball in about 20 minutes in the backyard.... running and hiding from me.  It had been neatly plucked from the bin at G and E pharmacy where I buy my dog food.

    Click on the link below!!! for a wonderful canine Christmas card sent by a friend Don W.

  • Winter wonderland while it lasted...

    Saturday morning brought a blanket of fresh fluffy snow but also temps just below freezing.

    These shots captured this brief wonderland in about a 3 hour period before streets slushy and sidewalks shovelled.

    Before shovelling on Saturday morning and love the blue of the sky  fresh snow in the back yard 

    View of the back lane warm enough for snow to slide off hood.
    Heavy fluffy snow on juniper bush and in 
    back yard cedar and mountain ash trees A white fantasy in front yard

      Fresh snow and warm weather an invite to go out on the skis.

    Yours truly in a variety of colors including red dog leash Both dogs just loved the run and we ran into other dogs, sleddders and walkers.
      Treats always a good incentive Nanuq always seems to jump being the younger dog.

    South end of Mill Creek  About 1 PM end of the ski and sky a thick blue blanket like the snowHeading up to the car.

  • Desktop dinosaur: no email or facebook 'til weekend!

    Boy did I misjudge things when I took the ibook in for repair of the CD drive! Just whip downstairs to my desktop in the basement....

    well my blog is the only thing I can get into!!! Like sending but not receiving and SO SLOW!

    I know Mac 8.6 and Internet Explorer 5 explains it but still withdrawl symptoms....

    so maybe I'll have to use the phone or read a good book! BUT if you don't hear from me now you know why??

  • Going north, photo cards, dogs and holidays gatherings....


    One might ask the connection of all of the above but basically these items have been some primary themes in my life for the past few weeks. 

    BTW just love this photo of my younger sister and wondered what she was thinking about!

    Got waylaid in the craft store & ended up making photo greeting cards!

    All started at the beginning of the month when I was at Michael’s where I was returning some left over supplies from the granddaughter’s Halloween costume and had enough of a refund to put towards buying winter boots. Bought some pre cut cards and envelopes but also just construction paper due to the variety of colors. A stop at the Kodak kiosk for another 2 hours to do about 75 prints from my memory card. That night I was the dining room table until about 11 PM with a glass of wine, supplies and my creativity!


    Well it had been a while...(probably since I got my digital cameras and have thousands of photos on the lap top) so I think I should have used double sided tape and perhaps only done corners. As used craft glue the mounts were all curly in the morning or so involved in matching colors to photos that my card stock may have not been thick enough...well bring out the telephone books to flatten!


    This project stayed on the dining room table (and yes some good results and hand made gifts) until needed to clear up for last weekend's rounds of dinners. Putting up Christmas decorations...ok so minilights on the rubber plant and fig tree may be somewhat Charlie Brown like but it works.. Kitchen fridge and house cleaning, food prep etc. but really practical to get it over with all at once.

    A busy but rich weekend with gatherings at the house.

    After Friday swim practice all went out for a Christmas brunch at Zuppa’s and collected donations for Swim for Malaria.

    My grad student boarder also on Friday had a campus group of friends that ate and sang carols and praise songs until late; R. and I beetled off to Blue Chair to see a guitarist with the first name of Gae;

    Saturday a potluck drop in dinner with many of my first cousins on mom’s side get together, first in at least 10 years, including my 89 year old uncle; stories told of past New Years dinners where elder cousins scared younger ones and labs have always been a part of this side so both mine were welcome. sitting here for a treat o leftover scrimp.

    Sunday night foyer more formal dinner of 8..., and so with 3 social workers in the room and the new university Med-Dental dean much discussion on health care.


    Well Monday was zapped and hibernated….and going north, well, not right now but looks like March-April!


  • Frigid but Edmonton in the winter!

    Here's what the Edmonton Journal said about yesterday. ....and a few of my own photos....

    "EDMONTON — Edmonton's weather boasted two dubious distinctions Sunday: it was colder here than anywhere else in North America and it marked the coldest Dec. 13 in the city's history.

    Environment Canada recorded a frigid minus 46.1 C, or minus 58.4 C with the wind chill, at the Edmonton International Airport at 5 a.m., said meteorologist Pierre Lessard.

    The old record of minus 36.1 C was set last year.

    "To break a temperature by 10 degrees is very exceptional," said Lessard."

    It was a Sunday afternoon romp in record breaking cold front but still bright and dogs love it!

    Monday 14 December 2009 Tonight.. Clear. Ice fog patches developing overnight. Wind up to 15 km/h. Low minus 37. Extreme wind chill minus 50 overnight.


    You may have seen this already in your email but thought hilarious and why do I leave my car in the garage...

    1. You must first learn to pronounce the city name, it is: 'ED-MIN-TIN'.

    2. The morning rush hour is from 5:00 a.m. to noon. The evening rush hour is from noon to 8:00 p.m. Friday's rush hour starts on Thursday morning.

    3. The minimum acceptable speed on most freeways is 130 kph. On the QE2, you are expected to match the speed of the airplanes coming in for a landing at the airport. Anything less is considered 'Wussy'.

    4. Forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere. Edmonton now has its own version of traffic rules. For example, cars/trucks with the loudest muffler go first at a four-way stop; the trucks with the biggest tires go second. However, in Southwest Edmonton, SUV-driving, cell phone-talking moms ALWAYS have the right of way.

    5. If you actually stop at a yellow light, you will be rear ended, cussed out, and possibly shot.

    6. Never honk at anyone. Ever. Seriously. It's another offense that can get you shot.

    7. Exception to Rule #6: If you are the 4th car back from a light that has turned green, you must honk your horn to alert the vehiclefirst at the intersection that the light has changed. Vehicle 2 & 3 won't shoot you as they are too busy trying to figure out how to ram thefirst vehicle through the intersection.

    8. Road construction is permanent and continuous in Edmonton.Detour barrels are moved around during the middle of the night to make the next day's driving a bit more exciting, but nothing ever gets finished, and more construction starts everyday.

    9. Watch carefully for road hazards such as drunks, skunks, dogs, cats, deer, barrels, cones, cows, horses, mattresses, shredded tires, garbage, squirrels, rabbits, crows, and coyotes feeding on any of these items.

    10. Calgary Trail, Gateway Boulevard, Highway 2 and the QE2 are the same road. In the same manner, Whyte Avenue, Sherwood Park Freeway and Wye Road are the same road; Wayne Gretzky Drive, Capilano Drive, 75 Street and 66 Street are also the same road.

    Got it?

    11. If someone actually has their turn signal on, wave them to the shoulder immediately to let them know it has been
    'accidentally activated.'

    12. If you are in the left lane and only driving 110 in a 80-90 km zone, you are considered a road hazard and will be 'flipped off' accordingly. If you return the flip, you'll be shot.

    13. For winter driving, it is advisable to wear your parka, toque, fur lined mittens and mukluks. Make sure you have a shovel, food, candle and blankets in the vehicle, as snow removal from the city streets is virtually non-existent unti lthe spring thaw. You also may run out of gas waiting in Tim's drive thru.

    14. Turning left for the first three seconds of a red light is mandatory!

    For those of you living in or around Edmonton, you know most of these rules are  unfortunately true.

    For those of you who may visit (summer time is best--most of the snow is gone), be prepared...

    For those of you living in Nunavut, you either walk, have neighbours who will help dig you out or not much to worry about as the 7 KMs of roads well plowed lead to the airport, water lake or landfill....

My recent posts..

December 2009
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About me...

An Albertan & Canadian, definitely a northern gal. Social worker by profession, this blog has included some of my work over 10 years in Nunavut from 2002 on. Passionate about slowing down & taking time to appreciate the beauty of the outdoors or kindness in relationships as gifts & blessings; injustices against children in situations beyond their control; my faith; Nature, experiencing the outdoors whether cycling, walking. x-c skiing or gardening, my dogs, capturing on film God's beauty, experiencing life intensely & with the senses, richness of late afternoon light, wind in my hair cycling with my dog on a beach road, couching inches from an arctic flower or alpine lichen to capture it with my camera, insight of a student's new learning, a good conversation over a coffee.

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All of the material on this blog especially my photos are under my copyright. Please do not take anything that does not belong to you without written permission from me and acknowledge sources.

Thank you.

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