Day: April 4, 2014

  • D is for dogs past and present…

    Are you a cat or dog person?

    The answer is very obvious in this post which is a total PHOTO blog of my two dogsDSCN6856 and a few others!

     Nanuq DSCN5047 is a husky-lab cross now about 7 years old, originally rescued from one of my work stints in the arctic.IMG_2911 Nanuq is Inuktituk for “ polar bear “  IMG_3093 and she has always been my baby polar bear! DSCN6089


    Dysis,DSCN5777 lovely Siberian Husky, came to us as an older rescue before Nanuq

    These two were always companions DSCN5367 both for romps in the snow,DSCN7015  lazying in my officeDSCN4971 or the back garden, on trips to Nunavut or with fresh hair cuts and neck scarves.DSCN6964


    DSCN7021 Dysis left us all, this past January 2014 at age somewhere between 10 and 14 years.

    Nanuq still does vigils on the back porch and now alone fights off the magpies, who try and steel her food. DSCN7310


    Maggie, a young lab and great hunting dog lives with her family just outside of Calgary and forever will chase the ball. DSCN7261


    Ilala, a young Rhodesian ridgeback,DSCN5610 belongs to my daughter. Amelia and her husband Sean in Vancouver DSCN5705 and even attends church! DSCN5706






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April 2014
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About me...

An Albertan & Canadian, definitely a northern gal. Social worker by profession, this blog has included some of my work over 10 years in Nunavut from 2002 on. Passionate about slowing down & taking time to appreciate the beauty of the outdoors or kindness in relationships as gifts & blessings; injustices against children in situations beyond their control; my faith; Nature, experiencing the outdoors whether cycling, walking. x-c skiing or gardening, my dogs, capturing on film God's beauty, experiencing life intensely & with the senses, richness of late afternoon light, wind in my hair cycling with my dog on a beach road, couching inches from an arctic flower or alpine lichen to capture it with my camera, insight of a student's new learning, a good conversation over a coffee.

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All of the material on this blog especially my photos are under my copyright. Please do not take anything that does not belong to you without written permission from me and acknowledge sources.

Thank you.

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