Day: April 2, 2014

  • B is for Blogging...when did you first start?

    The coming of the blogs. Someone, somewhere created the very first Web log…The term was created to reflect the process of “logging the web”.  Would be interested dear readers, what triggered you to start blogging?


    Xanga the original provider of this site was started in 1999. In 2004, both my daughter Amelia and I created blogs on Xanga… my blogging here has recorded not only family journeys, but my own work journey to the Canadian arctic and back!

    Indeed, my Xanga blog,became a friend as did the community here.

    Things changed in mid-2013 with the launch of Xanga-2 and move to WordPress. many bloggers moved on or closed accounts. My subscription runs out in July 2014.

    Must confess that only return occassionally and log daily into my Facebook account. Formatting since the change does not seem to have the same flexibility but still enjoy a few of the " OLD FAITHFULS ". such as and   Take some time to browse their entries.

    My daughter Amelia charted her travels to Africa and adventures at university WVU as a Canadian on the women's rowing team in….and  currently now marrried  from Vancouver as an inner city RN and tri-athlete blogs  always a good read

    This is one of my favorite shots from the Pentiction Challenge when a stolen kiss from her husband Sean.DSCN6688

  • April blogging contest


    Start beginning April First with a topic themed on something with the letterA, then on April second another topic with the letter B as the theme, and so on until you finish on April thirtieth with the theme based on the letter Z.  It doesn't even have to be a word--it can be a proper noun, the letter used as a symbol, or the letter itself.  The theme of the day is the letter scheduled for that day.

    See more at:

  • A is for apple...

     A is for apple and so I begin the first day of my month of blogging contest…working my way through the alphabet!


    Apple Blossom time is right around the corner, I promise! DSCN4257

    That is despite Alberta is still covered in snow and below freezing temperatures.

    Apples play a major part of my summer activities, not only the lovely blossoms in my yard but picking 1209121734000 and harvesting unwanted apples in the city.1209151909000


    As a board member of a local fruit rescue association OFRE.


    .our motto is Finding  the Hidden fruit in our City,

    local apples are the most common fruit.

    We will send volunteer pickers to private residences to pick fruit upon request of the home owner, share it with the volunteers, home owner, charitable organizations like the Food Bank & Salvation Army andDSCN6756 also organize canning & preserving events during the fall harvest season.



    MUCH to look forward as the weather warms! DSCN6755

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April 2014
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About me...

An Albertan & Canadian, definitely a northern gal. Social worker by profession, this blog has included some of my work over 10 years in Nunavut from 2002 on. Passionate about slowing down & taking time to appreciate the beauty of the outdoors or kindness in relationships as gifts & blessings; injustices against children in situations beyond their control; my faith; Nature, experiencing the outdoors whether cycling, walking. x-c skiing or gardening, my dogs, capturing on film God's beauty, experiencing life intensely & with the senses, richness of late afternoon light, wind in my hair cycling with my dog on a beach road, couching inches from an arctic flower or alpine lichen to capture it with my camera, insight of a student's new learning, a good conversation over a coffee.

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All of the material on this blog especially my photos are under my copyright. Please do not take anything that does not belong to you without written permission from me and acknowledge sources.

Thank you.

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